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Family Photo

As the season approaches, Downieville awakens from its winter slumber, beckoning visitors and locals alike to embrace the serenity of our mountain haven. Nestled at the confluence of the Downie and Yuba rivers, our little town carries the legacy of its founder, William Downie, and the indigenous Nisenan people, whose word “uba seo” means “waterway” – a fitting tribute to our pristine surroundings.

Four years ago, my husband Mike and our son Gregory, and I, along with our trusty companions – a dog and later, a cat – embarked on a journey that led us to this picturesque retreat. Our arrival on a cold Halloween weekend, amidst a power outage, felt like a scene from a Hollywood thriller. Yet, the warmth of this close-knit community enveloped us, embracing us as part of its tapestry.

People often inquire about our decision to move here. It was part of a grand five-year plan fueled by our shared spirit of adventure. From living in a camper to saving diligently, we traversed countless mountain towns across the west coast, seeking the perfect locale. Downieville captivated us with its allure, from the enchanting lure of the riverside to the majestic vistas that surrounded us.

Now, after four transformative years, I’ve come to realize the true essence of this place – a sanctuary of peace amidst a bustling world. A recent sojourn to the urban landscapes of Las Vegas and Southern California only deepened my appreciation for the tranquility of our mountain retreat.

In this blog, I aim to offer a glimpse into the rhythms of life in Downieville – a testament to the beauty of simplicity and the richness of community. Through weekly musings, I hope to share the stories, adventures, and reflections that define our family’s existence here. But this isn’t just my tale; it’s an invitation for others to join in the narrative. From local businesses to outdoor enthusiasts, everyone has a story to tell.

Here are five elements of the blog that I’m excited to bring to you each week:
– Discover Downieville: Highlighting a different local business, resident, or landmark each week to showcase what makes each one unique.
– Outdoor Adventures: Exploring the abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities available in Downieville, from hiking and mountain biking to fishing and kayaking.
– Reader Engagement: Encouraging readers to share their own stories, photos, and experiences of Downieville.
– Local Events and Activities: Keeping readers informed about upcoming events, festivals, and activities in Downieville and the surrounding area.
– Riverside Reflections: Weaving in personal experiences and musings to offer insights into life as an innkeeper, rural in this charming mountain town.

Join me as we embark on a journey of discovery – through the quaint streets of Downieville, across rugged trails, and along the banks of our beloved rivers. Together, let’s celebrate the magic of Mountain Moments and the enduring spirit of this mountain paradise.
Sonya Meline, Writer, Discover Downieville